Switch to yearly plans and save


$ 88 /month
Start testing and uncover security flaws
  • 5 assets included
  • Network vulnerability scanning
  • Unauthenticated application testing
  • Access to 500+ types of security scans
  • Ad-hoc scan
  • Platform access
  • PDF reports
  • Priority support


$ 188 /month
For businesses that have a team or a wider scope
  • 50 assets included
  • Add users
  • Scheduled scan/Continuous testing
  • All features available with Pro


$ 1480 /month
Execute both automated and manual penetration testing
  • 500 assets included
  • All features available with Team
  • VPN and internal network penetration testing
  • Whitelabel report
  • Technical finding walkthrough

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Frequently Asked Questions

An automated test is a systematic and computerized approach to assessing the security of a system or network. In this process, specialized software tools, known as automated penetration testing tools or vulnerability scanners, are used to simulate the actions of a skilled security tester. These tests can include detecting outdated software versions, common passwords, or configuration errors that may expose the system to potential attacks. Automated penetration testing offers efficiency and scalability, allowing organizations to regularly assess their security posture without the need for continuous human intervention.
An automated scan can take from 20 minutes to several hours depending on your system and environment. The TEQNIX will detect the technology used by your domain and automatically select what security checks to apply.
TEQNIX will perform various checks against your target domain and highlight all identfied security weaknesses. The scanners can detect security issues as defined by security standards such as PCI-DSS, ISO/IEC 27001 or ASVS for externally exposed assets. A a web UI and a PDF report is generated with detailed technical findings, severity ratings and a summary. If you need further information or have any questions feel free to reach out.
A combination of the two is the best approach. Do not believe to vendors who will promise you the same result. Manual testing is recommended for custom and more complex systems. For example, if you have implemented your own custom API or a web application. Automation will still be able to detect the exposed bugs and manual testing can be used to focus on the logical aspects of your application.
We hear you. Do not hesitate to reach out to us. We can schedule a call and discuss your requirements. Cybersecurity can be overwhelming, with our experience we can guide to the right track.
The TEQNIX Platform and Team can help you in testing your digital environment for security vulnerabilities saving costs and time. TEQNIX is the perfect security approach for SMEs that helps reducing complexity and can integrate a virtual security team in your organization.