Create an Instance


Define the name of this instance. Choose a name that can help you finding it later. Once the test is completed, a notification will be sent to the specified email address.


Define the occurrecnce of the scan against the nominated assets in Scope. The recommended settings is once a week, this will allow to monitor the systems actively and avoid stressing the environment.


Targets can be IP, domain name or hostnames.
Based on the target type, the Engine will select the appropriate testing.
# Name Target
No result


The recon gathers information about the target systems and organization. This phase is essential to discover the target's attack surface.


Network scanning discovers services exposed on a target network or system. The services discovered are further analysed in the next automation phases. Disabling this phase will also disable testing for these services.


Security vulnerability scanning is performed on network services, followed by targeted testing based on their specific types.

Cloud Services

When publicly available cloud resources are identified, we will scan them to detect any access control configuration weaknesses. If you prefer TEQNIX to scan these resources directly, you can specify them as assets.


Authentication login can be subject to brute-force. This test will assess the target system's resilience against this attack.


Check for the presence of backdoors on your website or web application. The existence of a backdoor is indicative of a compromised system.

Web Application

This test aims to discover security flaws by probing the application with unexpected and potentially malicious inputs, to identify vulnerabilities, such as input validation issues and security misconfigurations.

Secure Configuration

Identify services that expose an insecure configuration or that lacks security best practices.

Security Compliance

Enabling this feature will trigger the system to search for and generate the required report to meet specific compliance requirements.

To obtain full coverage and comply to below security standards, manual testing is also required.
Apply Here

Risk Rating

Risk rating framework for the classification of vulnerabilities. This is the default risk rating classification that will be used by the reporting.


The results of the scanning activity will be exported as a PDF file.