

Network Scanner

  • v1.0
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  • System
The Network Scanner detects listening and exposed services, defines the type of services, enumerates and gather service and system information. This tool is ideal to evaluate the firewall configuration of your organization.

SSL/TLS Scanner

  • v1.0
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  • System
The SSL Scanner returns information about weaknesses present in a TLS endpoint configuration. It is used to determine the use of weak ciphers, insecure SSL/TLS protocols and defects in the certifcate chain.

Domain Name Takeover Test

  • v 1.0
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  • System
This tool aims at identifying vulnerabilities that could lead to domain name takeover attacks. Domain name takeover occurs when an attacker gains control over a domain name that they do not own, typically by exploiting misconfigurations or vulnerabilities in DNS records or expired domain registrations. Use this tool against a subdomain you own to verify if the configuration is secure from this type of attacks.
Source Code

GitHub Security Scanner

  • v1.0
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  • System
This scanner is a Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tool. It automatically scan the source code of applications, libraries, and components to identify potential security vulnerabilities and coding flaws. This version of the tool also ensures that hardcoded keys, tokens, and other sensitive information are not mistakenly forgotten in the codebase.
Email Security


  • v1.0
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  • System
The scope of this scanner is to verify if your assets' domain configuration uses controls designed to enhance email security and authenticity.